Saturday 11 April 2015

An imperfect ending.

He had met many girls. He had learned that the first few days are always great. You are getting to know each other, your hearts are syncing and you feel the connection- everything goes great. Then there's the buffer when you begin to snap at the small little things that used to enchant you earlier. And then comes the breakup. He had had three breakups and was now a changed man. His heart could anticipate the subsequent steps of a relationship.

She was always a one man woman. She believed in love and never gave up. She had met her match and wanted to marry him. It felt like destiny and she was happy with life.

He had hopes that he will unlearn life's lessons and make all those mistakes again. It was horrifying for him to think that one day, a princess will come and he will not kiss her hand before kissing her cheek because he would have let go of his own etiquette. He was scared of change and wanted to hold on.

She? Her world was soon shaken. Her lover did love her but, it wasn't enough. When the world set fire to her, she had no walls standing. Her castle was intruded and she felt like letting go of everything she had held so dearly.

He found that no one liked a conflicted soul. His confusion and inner turmoil made him slightly unlikable among women. He would say the wrong things, ask weird questions, try too hard. He was just not himself and had left all hopes of a normal life- a loving wife, a simple house, a dog. He dreaded the future.

Once all her dreams were razed to ground. She took a rigid stance against sandcastles and banned daydreaming from her life. She allowed fate to take over. And she wanted to change herself. She liked the way life was shaping up after letting go. Her marriage was arranged with a prince. She had good things going again. Her fears were melting because she had surrendered. 

He was fighting. He was scared of the eventual surrender. It was the impending doom that would follow which scared him. He was scared of settling with mediocrity, average kind of life. What if he was okay with leading a mediocre life, a wife he loved just adequately and not passionately was his greatest fear.

She had had enough of overflows. Now, she wanted things to be adequate. Her marriage was in a fortnight and she was shopping. Parties were being thrown, in-laws were tagging each other on their Facebook updates.

And then they met!

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